Walking in the Light

Musings from a son of the Father

So recently, I’ve been working really hard on getting my health under control. Granted, I’ve only been doing for like a week, so we have a long way to go before we can see if I can stick to it in the long run. But here are the changes I’ve been making:

Previously, my diet went something like this: Breakfast: Vanilla Iced Coffee and Sausage McMuffin from McDonalds. Lunch: Eat out (Sushi, quiznos, chick fil a, etc.). Go home, eat a bunch of reese’s peanut butter cups and whatever Dad made, which is something heart-healthy.

My new diet is now: Breakfast: 1 Package of Weight Control Maple and Brown Sugar Oatmeal, drizzled with honey and mixed with a handful of raisins. Let’s stop here for a second.

This is disgusting. I have always HATED oatmeal. It tastes like nothing and it feels like vomit in your mouth. I had to add the raisins and honey to make it swallowable. The first day I ate this for breakfast, I literally swallowed 2 spoonfuls and threw the rest away. Today, for the first time, I finished a bowl of oatmeal. And it wasn’t that bad – you know, once I jacked it up with raisins and honey. The thing is, I know it’s going to take while before I come to really look forward to oatmeal in the morning, if I ever do. But it’s so heart-healthy, and I’ve actually been feeling so much better throughout the day – energized and upbeat and responsive. I stay full for a longer time, and I feel like my body is just getting cleaner.

I also decided to switch to 6 meals a day. So I have my breakfast (groan) oatmeal, and then at around 10:00 I eat ½ a whole wheat bagel with peanut butter (which is awesome). For lunch, it’s something along the lines of a frozen lean cuisine (Hopefully I don’t lose Man Points for this - they’re so convenient and healthy!) and some kind of extra, like a handful of wasabi peas. Then at midafternoon I eat a handful of almonds, for the fiber and the good fats. At dinner I have whatever nutritionist-approved meal my dad makes, and I have snack before bed in the form of a protein shake or some nuts or fruit.

I want to add more fruits and vegetables into the mix, but one step at a time right?

Finally, I’ve been taking a multivitamin and it’s amazing. First of all, it turns my pee green. Like, a bright, clear, neon green. It actually looks a lot like lemon-lime Gatorade (you’re welcome for that visual - yummy). Combine this with the fact that I’ve upped my water intake to about a gallon a day, and I see a LOT of green pee.

I’ve been making it a point to run, lift, or do some form of exercise every day that I can. It feels so good to be proactive with this stuff.

Here’s the thing: it’s only been a week, but I feel so awesome! Every day now I wake up and I’m energized and ready to face the day. I stay powered all throughout the day. I just feel like a machine. It’s the best.

Hopefully, if this continues, I can end up looking like Brad Pitt or David Beckham or some other awesome ripped manly man. But even if I don’t, I feel awesome, and that’s making it all worth it.

Except maybe the oatmeal.


#1. What??? Oatmeal is DELICIOUS. Starbucks has some amazing oatmeal btdubs. I will now end my shameless promotion of Starbucks.

#2. I am so glad I did not like green gatorade prior to reading this post. Otherwise I would not like it anymore and have sufficient grounds to hold a major grudge.

#3. No loss of man pts for the Lean Cuisines. Lean Cuisine pizza is amazing, if you haven't tried it yet.

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sorry, posted the same thing twice

then deleted

and now it looks like I was being sassy

for the record... I was not (this time)

This post reminds me of all the healthy choices I should be making! Hopefully, I'm one step closer now. Congrats on week one, Kori. =)

Dude - I have an awesome idea for you.

I really love breakfast, and I can't deal with nasty breakfast food like...well, like oatmeal. Sorry, Allyson. It's gross.

ANYWAY, I wanted to make an omelet every morning (or like 5 times a week). But it takes too long for me to chop up the ingredients every morning.

So NOW I take out an onion, a tomato, and a green pepper and I cut them up on Sunday and put them in ziplocks. Then I cook sausage patties and bacon, and put those in ziplocks too. Then, say Monday morning, I wake up, put on the burner, and throw down my pre-cooked meat and pre-chopped veggies and saute them for like 5 minutes while I'm getting dressed. Then I come back, break 3 eggs on top, sprinkle cheese on top of that, and scramble the whole thing.

Believe me...your mornings will be AWESOME.