This post is going to be TMI. Waaaaaaay TMI. Consider yourself warned.
This post is something private. Something personal. A deep, dark secret. So deep. So very dark. But something that my heart has been longing to share with you anyway.
Do you see this?

This is Miracle Powder. This is the stuff of gods. It is rest for the weary. It turns men into deities.
This is not cocaine.
This is corn starch.
It's a common kitchen item. It functions primarily as a thickener for sauces and gravies. You probably have a box of it in your kitchen somewhere. I do.
But I don't just have a box in my kitchen. I also have a small ziploc bag of it hidden in one of my bathroom cabinets.
You see, my friends, I have a little problem. A little annoying, recurring problem.
I chafe.
I chafe bad.
Sure, okay. Lots of people chafe. What's the big deal?
The big deal is that I don't chafe...normally. I don't chafe like everyone else chafes. Or rather, I don't chafe where everyone else chafes.
I chafe in...
I chafe in...
I chafe in my buttcrack.
There, it's out. I've said it. On hot days I come home with a painful, bloody buttcrack. It burns. It itches. It makes my life miserable. And there's only one antidote.
Corn starch.
You see, I get home, and I go up to the bathroom, and I grab a handful of cornstarch and just pack it all up in there.
And oh, my friends, you don't know. You cannot possibly know the glory of the feeling of a handful of cool, fresh cornstarch in a hot, chafed, bleeding buttcrack. It is heaven. It is bliss. It is a sensation unlike any other that man has ever had the divine blessing to experience. With the help of our powdery friends, two butt cheeks slide effortless against each other. It's almost as if the skin was removed and replaced with silk. That's exactly it. You're walking around with a silk buttcrack.
This gift, though, like all great gifts, comes with consequences. It's a very delicate matter, walking around with a butt full of corn starch. Boxer shorts + corn starched butt = serious difficulties. You can forget about walking on dark carpet. As you walk, the excess powder can sprinkle out down your pant leg, leaving a little trail of cornstarch in your wake. It's an embarrassing problem, but at least it leaves the witnesses puzzled and not disgusted.
There it is. My big confession. I feel so much better now, don't you?
Just watch out for the little white trails, okay? If you see them, you'll know why the man leaving them behind has that extra little pep in his step, but you'll probably want to steer clear of them all the same.
That post made my life. God designed entertain me. I'm sure of it.
Some of the best lines I have ever had the pleasure of laughing at.
Thank you for being amazing.
OMG - I laughed so hard at this I started crying!!!
This is one of the funniest, nay, THE funniest blog posts I've ever read. Thank you for gracing us with this knowledge. If I ever see a small trail of white powder on dark carpet, I will carefully avoid it, but I'll be doing so with the slightest of smiles on my face.
Best. Post. Ever. I'm still reading it over and over.
I truly live with butt crack problem all my life and I do use corn starch it's a life saving no cream will do I try everything in the market corn starch do the job for any butt crack problem blister boil bleeding rubbing sweat name it
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