Walking in the Light

Musings from a son of the Father

Dear creature of divine creation, thou

Art not so wise as thou art wont to seem.

You say that I am goddess-like in grace

And beauty, but as I have learned thus far

No man or any oth’r created thing [5]

Could challenge our Creator’s divinity.

So far below the state of goddess fair

Am I that thine words fall upon deaf ears

And ring with falsehood worst, with ignorance best.

Direct your praise and worship from meek Eve [10]

Unto He who has Eve so fair designed.

So thankest I thee, serpent, for thy praise

But must in rightness redirect thy words

To God above, to whom all glory be

And praise and adoration rightly owed. [15]

If serpent has of Knowledge’s Tree indulged

And suffered no harsh fate, then know that thou

Art creature, far below mankind, and must

By diff’rent expectations live and act.

God has decreed: should man to tempter fall [20]

And eat the fruit of Knowledge, then will man

And woman suffer long the curse of death.

If thou hast been not curst, then it be clear

That serpent lives by different rules from man

And may indulge, though man may not. Indeed [25]

No creature save but man must see and tend

To Eden’s Garden, beautiful and lush

Though beast be lower on creation’s scale

Than man. It seems quite clear, in light of this

That different regulations do apply [30]

To man and beast, so though thou ate and lived

Man surely will not live, so sayest God.

Now of thy claim that this be nothing more

Than yet another trial, then listen well.

Not yet in my whole life, brief though it be [35]

Has God instructed so, and opp’site meant.

Our God and our Creator is all good

And neither with deception nor deceit

Hast treated Adam or his humble wife.

And best thee watch thy words, beloved beast [40]

Shouldst thou attribute trickery to God

And Deity offend, then I shall pray

That thou be not stricken down by He Who Is.

So thank thee for thy words and kind intent

For trying to improve my state of life [45]

But know, dear beast, and then be on thy way

That when thy words and thy suggestions do

God’s words and God’s commandments straight oppose

Then thou art wrong, and right away conform

The products of thy tongue to God’s intents. [50]

So fare thee well, fair serpent, but I must

With gracious heart but prudent mind intact

Decline thy invitation to indulge

In th’ forbidden fruit of Knowledge’s Tree.

We live in a strange world. A world populated with creatures like the platypus, or this thing:

But nothing - NOTHING! - found in nature can compare to the weirdness that can be concocted in the human mind. To prove my point, I present to you this pinnacle of creepiness, in all its bizarre glory: GLAMOURPUSS!!!

Yes, that's right. This is a whole book full of pictures of cats with creepy wigs on them. I don't even have anything to say about it. I'm just going to let you soak it all in.

Check out this one. I like the Reba McEntire meets Bozo look he's got going on.

Or check this one out. Very Fifth Element.

Be still, my heart! If I wasn't creeped out by cats enough before, this really seals the deal.

I just don't even have any words.

Except these: if ever the was a cat that needed a wig, it's this guy.

So I'm in Milton mode. This means blank verse poetry about Creation. So I threw this together today. It's a first draft, of course, and I'll definitely polish it and probably lengthen it, but here you go.

The First Day

Sing, Angels, of the origins of light
Which does our cold world nurture and renew
With rays like benedictions, soft and warm.
Like golden kisses do the sunbeams flow
To light the once unfallen Paradise
And still to fallen man direction give
Though undeserving, through Creator’s grace.
Sing, hosts, the song of light that dances just
Beyond the grasp of reas’n or fancy fair
For how can man describe the voidless world
Before it’s premier tenant radience filled.
In deepest darkness, cold and void, the light
From blackness springs, ethereal and bright,
Light unacknowledged but by angels’ eyes
Though not in want of source, for source divine
Illuminating power does provide.
Now dark is by its opposite defined
And appellated “night”, and light named “day”.
Now God Creator saw His work was good,
For in the rays of light is darkness bann’d
And abundant nourishment for life
And source for future thriving growth produced.
In rays of light dark sin, unfathomed yet
And yet to come, as God well knew that day,
Which thrives and feeds in absence of bright Sun
Would scorchéd and obliterated be
By brilliant beams from source eternal and good.
Thus did our Lord find light acceptable
And pleasing in His holy eyes, and thus
First evening came, first morning quickly next
And so the first created day was pass’d.

This is my car.

I was shot at today on the way to lunch. Actually, not even close, a rock hit my window. But apparently I might have been shot at. There was a distinct possibility I was shot at. Or so I was told, before the police laughed at the idea I might have been shot at.

Regardless of why, I am now rocking a ghetto carriage the likes of which my subdivision has never seen. It is thug nasty.

But wait, it gets better.

This is my brother.

Why is he at the police department? Why, because he was arrested tonight, of course, as my mother and I were informed via phone call from random high school student tonight at about 10:30. Yes, that's right, just in case my life wasn't ghetto fabulous enough, my brother gets handcuffed in the middle of the stands of a high school football game and thrown into the back seat of a cop car. When we arrived at the police department, he was being detained in the interrogation room.

He said they threw him behind bars at one point.

Oh, my life is so ghetto.

But hey, it could be worse, right? My life will never be this ghetto.

On a totally different, un-ghetto-fied note, here's the hilarious image du jour:

It's capturing moments like these that makes me remember how much I love photography.

Tonight, I have a headache. I am tired. I am feeling worthless because of the ungodly number of cream puffs and eclairs I consumed. I miss my bed aka futon. I am tired of being the one in charge of things, and I am tired of being the only dependable person. I just put in a call, and the waaambulance is on its way.

Sometimes, I wish had broader shoulders.

So anyway, in the spirit of cheering up everyone who has had a bad day today, I offer you this: a realistic portrayal of the actual size of our problems:

Have a happy tomorrow, guys.


I know. I didn't choose the name. Or how to spell it. Don't look at me. I'm up on my Greek Mythology, baby. And I feel like the fact that I can correctly spell "Eurydice" suggests that I can be trusted to correctly spell the name of her determined beloved.

(Please fail to note that I have not actually spelled it correctly yet. Thank you.)

And don't be tricked by that dark, angsty, Werther-meets-Tim-Burton look on his face.

Told ya. This is Orfeus with a charming girl who is not his girlfriend.

And this is him with another girl, equally charming and equally not his girlfriend.

He gets around.

Okay, all joking aside, there is a reason why I'm creepily blogging about this guy at a quarter after three in the morning. Actually, two reasons:

1) I know he does not follow this blog, and will therefore not be creeped out by his unwilling presence here, and

2) I love this guy! He's just a straight up fun, real, God-loving guy. I'm blessed enough to count him among my friends and brothers, and I just wanted to take this opportunity to show anyone who reads this blog just how thankful I am for him, and just how blessed we all are to live in a world with people like him.

He's a rare kind of guy. Oh, sure, he falls into a lot of stereotypes - he can strut and preen with the best. He's incredibly pesky that way. But he genuinely cares of people, and he genuinely cares about growing in the eyes of God and men. In a lot of ways, he's a real inspiration. You can see the joy shining in his eyes, can't you? That's something that is purely God-given.

Anyway, he's one of my household brothers, and I was just doing some reflecting on my relationships and the friends God has given me, and Orfeus particularly stood out. Who knows why - as I mentioned before, he's pesky. But he's also great.

I hope that everyone has someone like him in their life. I'm super lucky to.