Walking in the Light

Musings from a son of the Father

Now uncreated universe, illumed

By that which God hath first created, sits

In heavy silence, void of music’s touch

And want of even sighs, breathless and dumb

Till with a booming rush fall waters pure

Crystalline and bright, sparkling with life

Reflecting silent slivers of gold light

Radiant from heavenly face divine.

Such waters fell upon the new formed earth

As someday would for dumb man’s flock divide

And crash back onto hard-hearted pursuit.

Such waters fell upon the virgin world

With such volume and such velocity

As never would be seen again by man

By God or angel fair, before or aft

The righteous son of Lamech and his sons

And two by two each yet uncreat’d thing

Should for his goodness life perpetuate

And find reward in covenantal seal

Of Iris’s train, and dove with hero’s branch.

Such waters came with overwhelming roar

That even angels stared in wonder dumb

And would with wonder dumb stare once again

When selfsame water poured upon the head

Of Son of God and Savior purify

On man’s behalf t’ begin his ministry.

And God said, “Let exist the firmament

To separate these waters pure and strong”

And waters did at His command divide.

Some sat under sky, and some above

With azure color to adorn the world.

With wonder the heavenly choir broke to praise

With harp and trumpet th’ grandeur of their God

The great creator of all things fine and fair.

And God saw all the work that he had done

And felt familiar satisfaction in

His heart of love, and grandly did declare:

“This all is good, and good that thee rejoice

The beauty of the work of my fair hands.”

He smiled upon his angel hosts and beck’d

Night from her shady hideaway to emerge.

And thus the day was done, the second day

And God’s great temple closer to complete.


You're good. Really, really good. :)