Walking in the Light

Musings from a son of the Father

We live in a strange world. A world populated with creatures like the platypus, or this thing:

But nothing - NOTHING! - found in nature can compare to the weirdness that can be concocted in the human mind. To prove my point, I present to you this pinnacle of creepiness, in all its bizarre glory: GLAMOURPUSS!!!

Yes, that's right. This is a whole book full of pictures of cats with creepy wigs on them. I don't even have anything to say about it. I'm just going to let you soak it all in.

Check out this one. I like the Reba McEntire meets Bozo look he's got going on.

Or check this one out. Very Fifth Element.

Be still, my heart! If I wasn't creeped out by cats enough before, this really seals the deal.

I just don't even have any words.

Except these: if ever the was a cat that needed a wig, it's this guy.