So I'm in Milton mode. This means blank verse poetry about Creation. So I threw this together today. It's a first draft, of course, and I'll definitely polish it and probably lengthen it, but here you go.
The First Day
Sing, Angels, of the origins of light
Which does our cold world nurture and renew
With rays like benedictions, soft and warm.
Like golden kisses do the sunbeams flow
To light the once unfallen Paradise
And still to fallen man direction give
Though undeserving, through Creator’s grace.
Sing, hosts, the song of light that dances just
Beyond the grasp of reas’n or fancy fair
For how can man describe the voidless world
Before it’s premier tenant radience filled.
In deepest darkness, cold and void, the light
From blackness springs, ethereal and bright,
Light unacknowledged but by angels’ eyes
Though not in want of source, for source divine
Illuminating power does provide.
Now dark is by its opposite defined
And appellated “night”, and light named “day”.
Now God Creator saw His work was good,
For in the rays of light is darkness bann’d
And abundant nourishment for life
And source for future thriving growth produced.
In rays of light dark sin, unfathomed yet
And yet to come, as God well knew that day,
Which thrives and feeds in absence of bright Sun
Would scorchéd and obliterated be
By brilliant beams from source eternal and good.
Thus did our Lord find light acceptable
And pleasing in His holy eyes, and thus
First evening came, first morning quickly next
And so the first created day was pass’d.
Wow! I'm so impressed, Kori! Well done!
Wow, all this time I've been living with a poet and I never knew it..
two thumbs up, yo!
I love this! Thanks for sharing it with us, Kori!!
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