It is said that clothes make the man. While that’s not strictly true, I do think that the kind of clothes you wear says a lot about the person in them. I’ve had a weird relationship with clothing and fashion. While I love the idea of dressing sharply all the time, I’m usually seduced by the comfort of casual clothes, and end of rocking jeans and t-shirts, polos, or flannel most of the time.
This has all changed, and it’s all thanks to my obsession with TV on DVD.
Let me back up.
If you have met me, you know that I love TV on DVD. I love vegging out in front of the TV for a while. It’s my catharsis. And regular TV is awkward because you’re forced to watch what they show you, and if it’s a serial TV show, you’re forced to watch it one episode per week, which is frustrating and obnoxious. Alternatively, I could put in a movie, but I usually find movies too long to just pop in and veg out to, and I’m rarely in the mood to get all invested in a long story. This makes TV on DVD perfect for me, as I get to consume 42-minute bites of whatever show I’m interested in, and I can watch as few or as many episodes as I want, and even if I fall asleep watching it, I only have to rewatch about 20 minutes to get back into the story for the episode. I’ve blown through a lot of TV shows on DVD – The Office, Lost, Arrested Development, The West Wing, Gilmore Girls, Buffy – to name a few. But after my most recent journey through Arrested Development, I found myself Jonesing for some more TV on DVD.
Fast forward to the weekend, when my puppy Asher jumped up onto our kitchen counter and knocked over the new Merlot my dad had just bought from Sam’s (we’re classy). This scenario found me driving to Sam’s to replace the spilled wine, and while I was there, I decided to check the electronics section, just to see if anything caught my eye.
Something did.
Gossip Girl.
I saw the first and second seasons on sale for 15 bucks a piece, which is a huge steal in TV on DVD land, and I decided to give it a try. I have no qualms with indulging in stereotypically girly shows, as I usually find them more clever and engrossing than their male-focused counterparts (I’m looking at you, Jackass).
It took about 15 minutes before I was totally hooked.
This post isn’t about Gossip Girl – maybe I’ll write about why the show rocks so hard another time. This post is about one character in Gossip Girl. The Sultan of Style. The Ambassador of Attitude. The King of the Cravat. The President of the Pastels.
He is Chuck Bass. And while he’s a 100% jerk, he knows how to rock a wardrobe. He fearlessly matches clashing patterns and colors and pulls it off like a pro. I mean, check it out: